
Experts Insights

While the road to achieve equity in education has always been challenging, the COVID-19 global pandemic has further complicated these ...
Rural school districts, educators, and students have different experiences than their urban and suburban counterparts. The Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) ...
Countries such as Bangladesh and Mozambique have made universal access to pre-primary education a priority in recent years. Other countries ...
Longstanding systemic health and social inequities have put Americans categorized as racial and ethnic minorities at greater risk of getting ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented American families with extraordinary challenges. Alarming rates of anxiety and depression symptoms are among the ...
The 2018 Indicators of School Crime and Safety reports that 20 percent of students ages 12-18 reported being bullied at ...
As the COVID-19 pandemic turns into a longer-term crisis with no end in sight, planning for the fall raises even ...
In this Q&A, Josh Polanin, principal researcher and project director for AIR’s What Works Clearinghouse, discusses his experience in quantitative ...
Often, strategies to provide equal access to technology and the internet involve simply providing people with devices. AIR's Trent Sharp ...
As president of IMPAQ, a subsidiary of AIR, Adaeze Enekwechi, Ph.D., M.P.P., leads the strategy and technical oversight of all ...
Despite uncertainty about the start of the 2020-2021 school year, one thing is clear: Learning will take multiple forms and ...
Accurately measuring school climate helps schools identify areas of improvement and choose evidence-based interventions for effecting positive change. Read what ...
As the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged teachers to shift instruction to distance learning platforms, it also has exposed the need ...
Lynn Holdheide, managing technical assistance consultant at AIR, and senior advisor and former director for the Center on Great Teachers ...
According to existing research, giving mothers paid time off could lead to both improved health outcomes and overall costs savings ...
Eboni Howard is a nationally recognized expert in child and family development, implementation science, and mixed-methods evaluation approaches. In this ...
As the COVID-19 pandemic turns into a longer-term crisis with no end in sight, planning for the fall raises even ...
Keeping an eye on issues of equity in remote learning environments can seem overwhelming, particularly when moving teaching and learning ...
Literacy and numeracy are cornerstones of our modern society. Jaleh Soroui discusses the data behind the National Center for Education ...
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, teachers, principals, and students have had to quickly adjust to distance learning or e-learning. Although ...