Vocational Education Project in Georgia, February 2010 Monthly Report


USAID’s Vocational Education Project in Georgia is a two-year workforce development project designed to develop and expand vocational education and training to meet labor market demand in the tourism and construction sectors in Georgia.

On May 21, 2008 USAID awarded AIR a contract to implement the Vocational Education Project in Georgia under Contract EDH-I-05-00027-00, Order EDH-I-03-05-00027-00. The original task order had a fixed price of $2,391,995 and was scheduled to run, funding and other factors permitting, until May 20, 2010. A modification to this contract was approved on May 28, 2009, with a new fixed price of $4,096,435, an expansion of work to five vocational training centers and an increase in training numbers from 1000 graduates to 5000 with no change in timeframe.

The Vocational Education Project in Georgia objectives are to: 

  • Increase the number of tourism and the construction trades graduates trained to international standards from five vocational education centers; and 
  • Improve the sustainability of the five centers through public-private sector partnerships and established business management/development models.