Promoting College and Career Readiness: A Pocket Guide for State and District Leaders

To contribute to the national conversation on preparing youth for college and career success, AIR has developed Promoting College and Career Readiness: A Pocket Guide for State and District Leaders. This research-based reference tool identifies strategies to ensure that all students, regardless of special needs or language fluency, are prepared for postsecondary education and careers.

InfographicThe Pocket Guide is the second of three created to help state and local policymakers and practitioners implement the college- and career-ready reforms included in the flexibility waivers approved by the U.S. Department of Education. In 2011, the Department of Education waived certain provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in exchange for reform plans related to four principles, including achieving college and career readiness. AIR researchers reviewed the 35 approved state plans to develop the Pocket Guide, which includes the following:

  • Requirements in the state flexibility waivers related to the principle of achieving college and career readiness for all students
  • Descriptions of how the state flexibility plans address college and career readiness
  • Considerations for research-based enhancements to current and planned policy and practice
  • Examples of state and district innovations in college and career readiness related to the flexibility waiver provisions