Guide to Educator Evaluation Resources

Accurately measuring an educator's effectiveness is a complex and difficult task. Like building a puzzle, developing an educator evaluation system requires multiple pieces that must be placed together in a purposeful way to create a holistic evaluation system.

This guide can be used by states and districts to explore various evaluation methods and tools that represent the "puzzle pieces" of an evaluation system. The guide includes detailed descriptions of more than 75 educator evaluation tools that are currently implemented and tested in districts and states throughout the country.

Details for each include the following:

  • Research and resources
  • Information on the educator and student populations assessed
  • Costs, contact information, and technical support offered


This information was gathered through a scan of educator evaluation literature and through conversations with multiple state education agency personnel, evaluation developers, universities, and non-profit organizations that focus on issues of educator quality and evaluation. While this list provides the most current offerings to date, it will continue to be revised and updated as new evaluation methods and products are developed.

If you have updates or additional information, please contact us.

Cassandra Meyer
Senior TA Consultant