ESSA Tiers of Evidence Services

Passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) means significant changes for states, districts, and educational program developers. To meet ESSA requirements and align with state ESSA plans, you might be looking for the following:

  • consensus among agency staff on the definition and criteria of ESSA tiers of evidence;
  • a firm understanding of how the ESSA tiers of evidence align with the standards for existing, vetted evidence-based clearinghouses;
  • a resource bank of evidence-based practices, grounded by research from reliably rated studies; and
  • a trained team of raters to identify evidence-based practices for underidentified areas.

AIR is well-equipped to support states and districts that are implementing ESSA requirements, and program developers who want to ensure their services qualify for federal funding.

Understanding the ESSA Tiers of Evidence

This video from REL Midwest offers insights into how to choose interventions that have been rigorously studied, and which have been shown to increase the likelihood that student achievement will improve.

View the related handout (PDF)

Learn more:


Image of Elisabeth Davis
Principal Researcher