EL Center's Technical Assistance Related to the Common Core State Standards

Staff from the Center for English Learners are currently involved in work related to the Common Core. Samples of this work include:

  • Common Core State Standards Professional Development in New Mexico. The American Federation of Teachers’ Innovation Fund is spearheading a project in New Mexico with Dr. August as the lead EL expert. The objectives of the project are to (1) ensure that teachers have a key role in implementing the Common Core for this growing population and are prepared to meet the increased demands of the standards; and (2) design practical, research-based classroom materials that can help serve as national exemplars.
  • Springdale, AR, Common Core State Standards Professional Development. Center for ELs staff provide technical assistance to district administrators and teachers to help them assist ELs in meeting the Common Core State Standards. In this professional development, staff from the Center for ELs demonstrate how to scaffold challenging grade-level content so it is more accessible to ELs.
  • New York State Scaffolding for ELs Project. As part of the New York State Race to the Top  initiative, NYS is developing and implementing curriculum modules for PreK-12 English language arts and mathematics. NYS recognizes that it is critical for ELs to have access to this curriculum and that teachers have guidance on how to provide appropriate instruction to ELs. The Center for ELs at AIR has therefore been contracted to review the new curriculum modules to ensure high quality scaffolding for ELs, create exemplars of effective lessons for ELs, provide feedback on professional development materials, and create ELA and Math resource guides for teachers on EL scaffolding. Assisting will be Dr. Diane Staehr-Fenner of DSF Consulting and Center staff.
Image of Rebecca Bergey
Principal Researcher