States Leading Educator Evaluation Systems After ESSA

The Every Student Succeeds Act will redefine the state’s role in fostering effective educators. As strong federal direction gives way to greater state autonomy, states face opportunities and challenges in designing and implementing evidence-based educator evaluation systems. 

Join the American Institutes for Research for a briefing that explores how state and local leaders from the Midwest region are leveraging research partnerships to refine and strengthen their educator evaluation systems.

Angela Minnici, director of the Education Policy Center at AIR will speak to the changing policy landscape for states and districts. In addition, members of AIR’s Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest Educator Effectiveness Research Alliance will share lessons learned from their efforts to improve state and local evaluation systems. For the past four years, REL Midwest at AIR has led a research alliance of state and local leaders to tackle the difficult work of developing fair and feasible systems that differentiate performance, draw on multiple measures and support professional growth. 

Members of Congress, legislative staff, agency staff and research and policy organizations are all invited.
Steve Dibb – Deputy Commissioner
Minnesota Department of Education
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Katie Rainey – Director
Educator Effectiveness
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Madison, Wisconsin
Jamie Skjeveland – Superintendent
Crosby-Ironton I.S.D. #182
Crosby, Minnesota
Patricia Balana – Alliance Lead
Educator Effectiveness Research Alliance
Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest
American Institutes for Research
Washington, D.C.
Angela Minnici – Director
Education Policy Center
American Institutes for Research
Washington, DC
A light breakfast will be served.
Event Information

January 7, 2016
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ET