Event: Feb 21 & 22 - Cradle to College and Work: New CALDER Research

DAY 1, K-12 research: Thursday, February 21st, 8:00am-4:45pm
DAY 2, Postsecondary research: Friday, February 22nd, 8:30am-3:45pm

American Institutes for Research
1000 Thomas Jefferson St. NW
Washington, DC 20007

On Thursday, February 21st and Friday, February 22nd 2013, the National Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER) will hold its Sixth Annual Research Conference entitled Cradle to College and Work: New CALDER Research. This year’s conference will bring together policy analysts and prominent scholars in education research to examine how policies in grades K-12 and postsecondary relate to later outcomes including postsecondary and workplace outcomes.

Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided both days.

If you have any questions contact Vicky at 202-403-5795.

Event Information

February 12, 2013
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM ET