AERA Study of Deeper Learning – Informational Webinar

Deeper Learning data collected by the American Institutes for Research is the basis for an informational webinar being presented by the American Educational Research Association (AERA), which provides an overview and describes the award components of the AERA-Study of Deeper Learning Fellowship Program. The data includes a wealth of information from schools, students, and teachers at a sample of Deeper Learning network high schools and non-network high schools.

Researchers discuss accessing and analyzing the Deeper Learning databases, along with potential topics and research questions that can be examined with the data. The discussion focuses on how to apply for the Fellowship, eligibility requirements, and the professional development and training provided through the program. This project is supported by the Hewlett Foundation.


Mike Garet, Vice President and Institute Fellow, AIR
Jordan Rickles, Principal Researcher, AIR
George L. Wimberly, Director of Professional Development, AERA
Rui Yang, Researcher, AIR
Kristina Zeiser, Senior Researcher, AIR

Event Information

May 10, 2016
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET