Addressing Equity Through Social and Emotional Learning

The U.S. education system faces many challenges, though perhaps the most pressing are the COVID-19 pandemic and inequities in learning opportunities, experiences, and outcomes. There is growing evidence from the science of learning and development that can help us address these daunting challenges. AIR hosted a webinar on Wednesday, April 7 at 3:00 p.m. ET to demonstrate how one evidence-based approach—social and emotional learning (SEL)—can help us advance educational equity.

Social and emotional learning is the process through which children and adults develop, learn and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that help them understand and manage their emotions, achieve goals, feel empathy for others, establish supportive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Research shows that SEL is associated with positive academic and life outcomes. When implemented in a culturally responsive manner, SEL can help support equity and help students thrive during this particularly challenging time. Presenters shared the latest evidence, effective practices, and implications and recommendations for federal policy. Follow the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #SELEquityAIR


Monique Chism, Vice President, AIR


Dr. Paul Cruz, Professor of Practice, Co-Director Cooperative Superintendency Program, The University of Texas at Austin

Linda Darling-Hammond, President & CEO, Learning Policy Institute

David Osher, Vice President & Institute Fellow, AIR

Event Information

April 7, 2021
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM ET