Accelerating School Leadership: Field-Tested Performance Tools for Principal Supervisors and Coaches

School principals need support to face a tidal wave of challenges: new college and career readiness standards and assessments, new educator performance evaluation, fewer resources available to meet expanding student needs, and short timelines for improving performance. Leadership performance assessments can provide principal supervisors and coaches practical tools for not only evaluating, but also inspiring principal development—if they produce a holistic perspective on principal practice.

In this webinar, Matthew Clifford from AIR and Gail Connelly, executive director, National Association of Elementary School Principals discuss partnerships with states and districts for designing and using leadership performance assessments. Clifford will introduce a suite of tools developed by AIR and its partners for gaining a holistic perspective on leadership practice. Our speakers will discuss how supervisors and coaches are using observations, 360-degree surveys, portfolios, and growth plans to build leadership talent, and the critical roles of states and districts in supporting leadership assessment in the field.


  • Matthew Clifford, Ph.D., Principal Researcher, AIR
  • Gail Connelly, Executive Director, National Association of Elementary School Principals


  • Catherine Jacques, Researcher, AIR
Event Information

April 24, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET